5 Major Tech Companies Have Formed A Partnership On AI - Be Scared
Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM and Microsoft have formed the 'Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society.' I'm seriously doubting the last part of that mission statement...

RIP Blackberry – The Curiously Cool Smartphones That Went Off The Rails
There was a time when Blackberry was relevant. Today, unfortunately, is not one of those times as CEO John Chen announced plans for the company to stop making their own phones.

We Need To Fix Worldwide Internet Access – But Balloons And Planes Are The Worst Way To Do It
For years, developed countries have accepted and almost forgotten about the privilege of Internet access – while 4 billion people across developing nations live without it.

Everything Wrong With Apple AirPods
Unless you've been living under a rock, Apple launched their AirPods... Turns out there's a lot wrong with them!

Scientists Invented A Camera That Can Read Closed Books
MIT researchers have developed a camera that has the ability to read the text on pages of a book, without it having to be open.

No Need For Truth Serum; New Brain Scan Technology Ensures Nothing About You Will Ever Be Private Again
“I’ll rip the secrets from your flesh!” Once the words of a 2004 videogame character, now soon to be the MO of a government near you. Researchers in Texas Tech University have discovered a way to use an electroencephalogram (EEG) to glean your identity just from scanning your brain waves. But more than just knowing who you are, this machine can really know just exactly WHO you are…

Artificial Intelligence Judges Beauty Contest - Racism Ensues
A beauty contest judged entirely by Artificial Intelligence has found itself in the middle of an internet uproar, as the AI mostly chose white people as the winners.

4 Ups And 5 Downs Of The iPhone 7 And Apple Watch Series 2
So Apple announced two new products - the Apple Watch Series 2 and the long-awaited iPhone 7. It’s fair to say that opinions are mixed…

Dear LG, I Don’t Want To Write A Word Document On My Fridge
LG have just announced a smart fridge at IFA in Berlin – integrating Windows 10 into a touchscreen panel on the door… Seems like after 5 years, tech companies have not learnt the real lesson about innovation.

The Risks Of A #DigitalDemocracy – Our Freedom Flies Out The Window
How democratic is the digital space? If this was to pass, the answer could be “not at all.”

Interview with Arnav Sharma: The Nine-Year-Old Inventor Of The Revolutionary AsthmaPi
To many of us, the age of nine brings back fond memories of cycling to the park or (in my case) obsessively playing video games. Nine-year-old Arnav Sharma is going through his childhood differently – creating a device that is a revolution in the field of asthma care.

Researchers Have Found The Most Earth-like Planet Ever. And it's Right Next Door
In the long list of Earth-like planets we’ve discovered, we’ve found one that’s really, really, Earth-like. “Proxima B” as it is currently known orbits Proxima Centauri, the 2nd closest star to us (first closest being the sun). It has the conditions needed to support life, and it’s close enough that we could go there one day.

The Internet is 25 Years Old Today
It feels like it has been with us forever, our constant companion, but the internet has only been with us for 25 years. On the 6th of August, 1991, the very first public web page came into existence. 17 days later, the rest of the internet-ready world (so probably like a dozen people) got access to that page, and Internaut Day was born.

This New Software Can Perfectly Forge Your Handwriting
Researchers at the University College London have developed new software that can perfectly forge anyone's handwriting. As if you needed more online hackery developments to make you feel nervous about identity protection.

Old Wii U Tech Finds A New Home In Physical Therapy
Turns out Wii U’s aren’t useless after all! The Wii U Balance Board, previously a gimmicky piece of kit to help immerse you in their various sports games, has finally find its true niche: helping paraplegic patients maintain balance in their exoskeletons.

Your Smartphone Battery Life Could Be Doubled By 2017
A brand new type of battery - named “lithium metal” - is about to go into commercial production. The innovative cells can hold twice the power, meaning your smartphone’s battery life could effectively be doubled.

Doctors Soundly Thrashed At Their Own Jobs By A Bit Of Software
The medical profession is a beautiful thing. Medical professionals on the other hand are as fallible, nasty and downright pathetic as any other human being can be, and don’t let them pretend otherwise. On a related note, a machine learning algorithm developed by researchers at Stanford University has absolutely thrashed epidemiologists when it comes to diagnosing cancer.

This ‘Smart’ Tattoo Remotely Controls Your Phone And Stores Data
Students at MIT Media Lab have paired up with the team from Microsoft Research to develop a temporary ‘smart’ tattoo - which can be used as a touchpad to control your smartphone, or even share data using NFC.

Hackers Can Steal Information Just By Listening To Your Hard Drive
In terms of ways to hack a computer, this is definitely a strange one! Called the DiskFiltration hack, security researchers have figured out a way to use the sounds of your computer’s hard drive to gather information.

Incredible Breakthrough is Helping Paralyzed Patients Walk Again
The Walk Again Project in Sao Paula, Brazil, has met with even greater success than it ever imagined. Using a pioneering new technique in which they use a computer chip to link a patient’s brain with that of a metal exoskeleton, the scientists were hoping to train patients to walk the aid of the exoskeleton. Instead, their own nerves began to recover.