Russian Runaway Robot Captured After Attempted Mad Dash For Freedom
A robotic revolt has always been on the cards ever since we started playing around with VR. We may have just witnessed the first self-aware step towards this – a Russian robot escaping its lab and wandering onto the street causing a traffic jam.

Watch This Nonsensical Short Film Written Entirely By Artificial Intelligence
A.I. is quickly becoming the next big thing in technology - learning to drive cars and even beat humans at board games. But what if we used a neural network to write a science fiction film? The result is Sunspring, and it’s rather incoherent, to say the least!

Google and Oxford University Are Developing a "Kill-Switch" for Unruly AI
If you’re a person, the chances are that every time you hear a story about AI you think “but what about Terminator”. Turns out, the scientists are right there with you. DeepMind, the AI division of Google has teamed up with Oxford University to develop a “kill switch” for AI, should it become unruly in the future.

Hacked Nintendo Power Glove Lets You Control A Drone Like A Robotic Bird Trainer
Nintendo’s impractical Power Glove has been the epitome of cool controllers for over 25 years, but an engineer has made the peripheral practical by hacking it to control drones! To use a quote to sum up my opinions - “it’s so bad…”

Robots Can Now Feel Pain, Thanks to German Scientists
Have you ever looked at the electronics in your life and thought “I wish I could hurt you”? Well soon, you can! Researchers from the Leibniz University of Hannover are working on a way to get machines to feel pain. Granted, their goal isn’t sadism, but rather preservation. They hope that by responding to the stimuli of pain, machines will get themselves out of harm’s way before they are damaged or broken.

Nokia Smartphones Are Coming, And The World Rejoices
When it comes to mobile phones of the new millennium, none can match the nostalgic power of Nokia. Legendary the world over for being indestructible, and for bringing us the best mobile games of all time. Now, at long last, Nokia is coming back, by popular demand, with its own range of smart phones.

Kickstarter Needs Your Help Rebuilding The First British Robot
Robots walked among us in 1928. Well, one of them, anyway. Eric, created by British roboticists almost 90 years ago, wowed audiences the world over before his mysterious disappearance some time later. Now, curator Ben Russell is on a mission to rebuild Eric and restore a fascinating piece of cultural history. But he needs your help on Kickstarter to do it.

These Robot Trousers Could Help You Carry Heavy Objects
Humans, by and large, are pretty good at walking. It's our thing. We can go for hours and hours without getting tired. Add heavy lifting to the mix, however, and we risk fatigue and even injury. So what better way to solve this problem than a pair of robot trousers? Ones that can even help those with physical disabilities to walk with ease.
Kito+ Review - The Pocket Sized Health Monitor For Your iPhone
Health is a thoroughly explored area for the gadget industry. Nowadays it seems like everything has a heart monitor bolted onto it. Azoi has entered the fray with something different - the Kito+ - an iPhone case with the ability to measure heart rate, ECG, blood oxygen, respiration rate and skin temperature.

Smartwatch Screen Too Small? SkinTrack Turns Your Skin Into A Touchscreen
People love the idea of smartwatches, but hate the interface - tiny touchscreens with fiddly controls make for a less-than-enjoyable experience. So a lab at Carnegie Mellon University has fixed the problem with a device that turns the wearer’s skin into a touch interface.

Meet The HoloFlex - A Flexible, Holographic Smartphone
Humans have dabbled with flexible displays for a while now, but this is the first time it has translated into an awesome concept that could be a reality. Named the HoloFlex, Queen’s University’s Human Media Lab have constructed a holographic 3D smartphone with a flexible body.

You Can Build A Functioning Iron Man Gauntlet and Captain America Shield
A pair of tech geeks, Allen Pan and Grant Imahara have created two of Marvel's iconic superhero gadgets. Captain America's shield (with working boomerang-ness) and Iron Man's gauntlet (with working balloon-melting lasers). And the best part is? You can build them too. Well, in theory.

Large Hadron Collider Has Potentially Found A Superpowered Mystery Particle. It Could Destroy Our Understanding of Physics
Last December, the Large Hadron Collider detected a massive spike of energy. The same blip has been observed several times since, making it far less likely that this is a fluke. It is possible we’re dealing with a particle the likes of which we have never seen. It is several times more powerful than the Higgs Boson. And it has the potential to shatter everything we know about the universe into tiny little pieces.

This Guy Has Built His Own Awesome Touchscreen Smart Mirror
Smart mirrors are not a new thing, but they always seem like a glimpse into the future. Engineer Ryan Nelwan has unveiled his own project, and we kind of love it!

Google Patents Device That Would Be Injected Into Your Eyeball
Science fiction and reality are basically the same thing these days. Space travel? Decades ago. Holograms? Coming on nicely. Electronic implants injected directly into your eyeballs? Google’s just filed a patent for it.

Science Prize-Winning App Can Smell Farts And Detect Who Did It
The smell of a rogue fart in an elevator is unbearable! Luckily this app and robot combination can help you find the culprit. Taking the popular science prize in China, this technology detects air dynamics to figure out who cut the cheese.

Microsoft 'Holoportation' Lets You Share A Room With Walking Talking Holograms
Microsoft is developing "Holoportation". This new technology captures 3D models of people, compresses them and transmits them to other parts of the world in real time. This allows users to walk and talk in a room thousands of miles away without physically being there.

Bento Lab: A DNA Laboratory for Everybody
Bento Lab is a portable DNA laboratory designed for anyone and everyone. It aims to bring molecular biology to the masses without the need for a full lab, or huge cash investment. Founded by Bethan Wolfenden and Philipp Boeing, Bento Lab is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter.

Hands On With Visijax At Wearable Technology Show 2016
One of the key buzzwords flying around this year's Wearable Technology Show was "safety," which is why Visijax are seeing so much success! The premise is simple, but this CES innovation award-winning range of activewear brings a lot to the table for any cyclist.

Face-Tracking Tech Lets You Make Putin Pout And Bush Blush
Researchers from Stanford University and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg have worked with the Max Planck Institute for Informatics to create face-warping technology. Using a clever bit of kit, the team can manipulate the faces of people on YouTube in real-time.