Blue Monday: Why Are Companies Still Using Depression As A Social Media Marketing Opportunity?
Blue Monday is here again, and yet companies continue to use the idea of depression to promote their brand or sell you stuff. Why?

Why Are Businesses Making Loads Of Fake Facebook Events?
You may have set yourself as ‘going’ to one of many Facebook events that quite clearly a joke… Why have so many popped up out of nowhere?

Surprise! Influencers Are Lying About Their Numbers
Turns out the Influencer Marketing bubble will burst soon, as their posts, for what they cost, perform terribly. Now I wonder why…

Every Company Does Not Need A Social Media Presence. Please Stop
As a social media manager, I’ve always been optimistic about every business having a social presence. But as the side of my new stapler box encouraged me to follow the company on Twitter, it became clear that corporate reliance on these networks has gone too far.

Facebook Has Some Marketing Tips To Exploit Lonely People On Valentine’s Day
Breakups are an inevitable part of life – one that we all hate. But it’s good news for social media marketers, as Facebook has some top tips for brands on promoting their products to newly single people.

2015 in Review: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Social Media
Social media has been a rapidly altering beast in 2015. Here is the good, the bad and the ugly of this medium, for users and marketers alike.
T-Mobile Twitter Campaign Shows That #BritainLoves Hating The British
So T-Mobile have launched a Twitter promotional campaign, surrounding the hashtag #BritainLoves, to promote it's new 'Full Monty Plan' contract option. However, very much like RIM's attempt at cracking the metaphorical nut that is Twitter marketing with #BeBold, and McDonalds' #McDstories, the situation may have gone everso slightly ary.