Why Does The Same Music Sound Faster Sometimes?
Ever thought your favourite song sounded faster than usual? No, it’s not just you. There’s a rather fascinating scientific explanation…

Higgs' Nobel Prize Turned Out To Be A Surprise
Not being a fan of the media, or anything related to modern technology; Higgs decided to schedule a holiday at the same time as the Nobel announcements. The Royal Swedish Academy were allegedly trying his phone for days, but only when he returned to his home in Edinburgh and was congratulated by a former neighbor was he aware of his prize.

Lasers Used to Levitate Nanodiamonds
We don't generally associate light with the ability to push or pull objects, it is just not a phenomenon we can easily observe. A team at the University of Rochester, however, have used this ability to trap and levitate tiny specs of diamonds.

Researchers Create Brain-To-Brain interface. Control Animals With Thought
Harvard University researchers have created the world's first non-invasive brain-to-brain interface between a human and a rat. Simply put, you can control the rat with thoughts, making for a both fascinating-yet-terrifying discovery (hello Nineteen-Eighty Four). This is a critical step towards technology allowing for telepathic links between human beings.

World's Smartest Artificial Intelligence Computer Is As Smart As A Four Year Old
One of the world's smartest computers took an IQ test, did rather well for artificial intelligence, scoring as well as a four year old.

IBM Make The World's Smallest Movie Using Atoms
IBM have made a short movie out of single carbon monoxide molecules, titled 'A Boy And His Atom.' It has been verified by Guinness World Records™ as The World’s Smallest Stop-Motion Film.
Researchers Build Robots Capable Of Evolution
A team of researchers have designed a program that allows robots to actually evolve, building themselves out of cubes of virtual muscles and bones. This simulated chain of evolution makes for a remarkable discovery in robotics that, much like Skynet, has very well doomed us all.
Indian Students Develop Bra That Electrocutes Assailants
A group of Indian engineering students have designed a wearable solution to a terrible problem: a bra that can give a would-be rapist a literal 3800kv shock.
Manisha Mohan, a student at SRM University in Chennai, saw the aftermath of the gang rape and murder of a student, and how reluctant the government was to help. So she and two friends, Niladhri Basu Bal and Rimpi Tripathi, decided to use their scientific knowledge to provide a form of protection.
Study Finds Texting Could Cause Shallowness And Prejudice
The University of Winnipeg has completed a three-year study which has found that students who text often are more likely to focus on material gain.
Stanford Creates A Transparent Brain. Analyse The Mind Like Never Before
Combining neuroscience and chemical engineering, researchers at Stanford University have developed a process to render entire brains transparent - allow researchers to analyse grey matter to a level of detail never seen before.
Harvard Scientists Allow Humans To Control Rats With Their Minds
In the latest against science's long-standing grudge against rats, the boffins at Harvard Medical School have experimented with a system that allows the human mind to trigger actions in a rat's motor cortex, making the antics of the legendary Pied Piper of Hamelin one step closer to possible.
Scientists Build Machine That Can Record Your Dreams And Turn Them Into Short Films
Kyoto scientists have developed a machine that can record your dreams and output them as short films, allowing the opportunity to better understand what goes on in the brain when we sleep.
Researchers Create The First Wireless Brain-Computer Interface. Move Things With Your Mind On The Go
Researchers at Brown University have created the first wireless, implantable, rechargeable brain-computer interface. This presents a medical breakthrough for the disabled, which will be tested on humans soon after 13 months of successful trials with monkeys and pigs.
Robot Driven By A Moth. Scientists One Step Closer To Lifelike Automatons
A team of scientists at the University of Tokyo have created a two-wheeled robot, which was driven by male silkmoths in pursuit of a female moth pheromone. This has been done to study and apply the moth's tracking skills, furthering the scientific pursuit towards autonomous robots that mimic life.
£1 Billion Supercomputer To Reconstruct And Simulate 'Entire Human Brain'
An international group of researchers have secured over £1 billion to fund the incredibly ambitious 'Human Brain project.' Scientists will spend the next decade understanding, mapping, and virtually simulating the network of over a hundred billion neuronal connections that illicit thought, emotion, and consciousness.
The Science Of How Comment Trolls Influence Your Opinion
It's almost second nature to expect a series of trollish comments below any science story published on the internet. Generally, we like to think that these responses don't influence us; but this couldn't be further from the truth. New research from the University of Wisconsin-Madison shows that their tone can actually impact readers' opinions about the subject of the article.
'#Overlyhonestmethods' Uncovers The Hilarious Truth Behind Scientific Method
Multidisciplinary scientist Dr. Leigh posted a tweet using the hashtag #overlyhonestmethods on January 7th. What has followed is a hilarious series of silly, embarrassing and downright awkward confessions from researchers across the world.