Tokyo Researchers Create Robot With Human-Like Muscles
Researchers have been working to create robots that mimic human behaviour - potentially dooming us all for the future. Now, Tokyo Institute of Technology have gone one terrifying step further by building a skeleton robot and giving it human-like muscles for movement.

Robots learn to solve problems faster by playing Minecraft
Minecraft is great for teaching young gamers key skills like problem solving and creativity, but it's not just humans who can learn a something from it. Researchers have used the computer game to teach robots these same skills in a faster, more efficient way.

Study shows having more sex will not make you happier
The assumption is that having more sex will make you happier, but I'm afraid that isn't the case. According to researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, increased frequency of sexual activity leads to a decline in actually wanting it, meaning enjoyment (and happiness) is reduced.
Researchers Create The First Wireless Brain-Computer Interface. Move Things With Your Mind On The Go
Researchers at Brown University have created the first wireless, implantable, rechargeable brain-computer interface. This presents a medical breakthrough for the disabled, which will be tested on humans soon after 13 months of successful trials with monkeys and pigs.
Cambridge University Centre To Study "Extinction-Level" Threat To Humans From Technology
Researchers at the University of Cambridge have formed a new centre to explore the threat advances in technology may pose on the human species. The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER), they will investigate developments in biotechnology, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence, figuring out how these areas could become a threat to humanity.
The first line of defence against Skynet is now in place.
Robot Book Scanner Captures 250 Pages Every Minute
Researchers in Japan have built a book scanner capable of capturing 250 pages-per-minute. To put that into perspective, it would take under ten minutes to scan the entire Oxford English Dictionary.
Researchers Create Walking Biological Robots Using Heart Cells
A team of scientists at the University of Illinois have built tiny biological robots that walk to the beat of a thin sheet of rat heart cells.
Researchers Develop Robotic Camera That Accurately Mimics Eye Movement
Researchers at the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology have succeeded in developing a robotic camera system equipped with muscle-like action that replicates the muscle motion of the human eye in ways never before seen. It is hoped the milestone will eventually make robotic tools safer, as well as making camera feeds from robots more intuitive to use.

Researchers Bring Physical Buttons To Touchscreens With New Tactile Technology
Tactus Technology is currently busy showcasing a ground-breaking new touchscreen technology that is being described as the “world’s first” deformable tactile surface. Using a ‘microfluidic’ technology, the team of researchers is demonstrating how any touchscreen display can be enhanced through pressable buttons literally ‘rising’ through the surface to create the impression of physical hardware.
Researchers Build 'SpeechJammer' To Mute The Human Voice
Japanese researchers have created a device to perpetuate the definition of "silence is golden," by remotely cutting off human speech without any physical discomfort or intervention. So with what looks like a handheld speed camera, you can literally mute a person: a piece of technology many of us here wish we can acquire.
Graphics researchers discover the secret behind rainbows
What started as a research project into improving the amount of finite detail that goes into CGI film and video game backgrounds, turned into a discovery about the physics of rainbows and how they are formed.
High-tech spider created for hazardous missions
Apple have created a head crab. Researchers have developed a new form of first scout, replacing the keen-nosed rescue dog with a rather scary looking robot-spider.