Watch An Astronaut Play Ping-Pong With A Ball Of Water In Space
Astronaut Scott Kelly celebrated his 300th day in space aboard the International Space Station by playing a game of ping-pong. Without gravity, the quick reaction times aren't required because things don't move as fast. But you can make things more interesting with super-hydrophobic polycarbonate ping-pong paddles and a ball of water.

Japan Launches First Robot Astronaut Into Space
One small step for man, one giant leap for robot kind. Japanese researchers have launched a tiny walking talking robot, named Kirobo, up to the International Space Station, with the mission of providing friendly companionship to Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata.

'View From The ISS At Night.' Photographer Creates Amazing Space Timelapse
Photographer Knate Myers has created a visually stunning timelapse video of Earth and space with a series of photographs he took from the International Space Station.
SpaceX And Bigelow Join Forces, Paving The Way For Inflatable Space Stations
Having already passed seven out of the ten checks required by NASA before its seven-person Dragon cargo ship is deemed safe for ferrying human cargo to and from outer orbit, SpaceX has now signed a deal with private spaceflight firm Bigelow Aerospace to take its BA 330 inflatable modules into space in the near future.
NASA Ready To Invest In 'Space Taxis' To The Tune Of $500m
What with Russia having now monopolised the flying of space crews to the $100 billion International Space Station, NASA is now looking to invest in at least two U.S. firms to design and build what they’re calling ‘space taxis’ to transport astronauts to and from the space station. Russia, it is reported, currently charges around $60 million per person for the privilege.