Lincoln Academics Create 'Digital' Garden Grown By Twitter Activity
Academics at the University of Lincoln have created a unique digital garden for the Chelsea Flower Show this year. Powered by social media activity, the public can directly influence how the garden appears by tweeting about it.
Modern Day 'Ark' Is Designed To Withstand Massive Natural Disasters
Taking inspiration from the vessel that Patriarch Noah uses to save himself, his family and two of every animal species known to man from a devastating flood, Russian design studio Remistudio has designed a quite phenomenal floating ‘biosphere’ hotel concept named ‘The Ark’ that could withstand epic natural disasters of Noah proportions.
The 'Swiss Army Knife' Of Studio Apartments Transforms Before Your Eyes
For most, purchasing a 420 square foot studio apartment would lead to cutting back on a few mod-cons of your typical, larger property. But for founder of the eco-blog and vlog TreeHugger.com Graham Hill, its proportions were just big enough a blank canvas to dream big. Transfixed on the idea to incorporate everything you'd expect from modern day living, Hill went about launching a project to design and build an apartment capable of 'transforming' into various different living spaces.