Bristol University Tech Uses Ultrasound To Create 3D Shapes You Can See And Touch
A lot of people are inventing many ways they see humans controlling computers in the future. A team at Bristol University have had a go at answering this question by using focused ultrasound to create 3D haptic shapes out of air that you can see and touch.

Researchers Create Brain-To-Brain interface. Control Animals With Thought
Harvard University researchers have created the world's first non-invasive brain-to-brain interface between a human and a rat. Simply put, you can control the rat with thoughts, making for a both fascinating-yet-terrifying discovery (hello Nineteen-Eighty Four). This is a critical step towards technology allowing for telepathic links between human beings.
'Sonopill.' Project To Create An Ultrasound Pill Awarded £5m
A University of Dundee-led project to develop a pill carrying ultrasound technology, named "Sonopill," has been awarded a £5million grant by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
Elliptic Labs Brings 'Minority Report' Gesture Control To Windows 8
Norwegian company Elliptic Labs has launched a new touch-less gesturing control that uses ultrasound technology to translate hand movements, and bring a 'Minority Report' style implementation to Windows 8.