Comets Smell Disgusting, And Soon That Smell Can Be Yours
Have you ever wondered what a comet smells like? Of course you have, we all have. Well now, science has the answer. They smell like cat’s piss, as well as rotten eggs and bitter almonds. What exactly is that like, you wonder? Worry not, scientists are turning it into a perfume.

Japanese Robots Let You Know If You Smell Bad
Given the choice between being told you stink by a hot date, or a terrifyingly 'friendly' robot, I'd probably pick the date. But for those who picked otherwise, the Kitakyushu National College of Technology and Japanese company CrazyLab have the answer for you.
Computers Will Be Able To Smell, Hear, Touch, Taste And See By 2018 Says IBM
As part of its annual '5 in 5' predictions feature (in which the brightest minds and forward-thinking individuals of the company second-guess the future of technology), IBM presents the “five innovations that will change our lives in the next five years.” Over the coming years, computer hardware will develop the five senses...
Web connected robot gives your online notifications their own scent
Meet Olly: a small, rather minimalistically designed gadget which is, according to creator Mint Foundry, a 'web connected smelly robot.' What does this mean? If sight and sound are already stimulated by the very device with which you are reading this from, then imagine adding smell to this combination.
Your girlfriend/boyfriend messages you on Facebook or Twitter, for example. Instantly your nasal capacity is filled with the scent of their perfume, due to Olly emitting that individual scent as part of the notification.