United Nations Declares That Blocking Internet Access Violates Human Rights
The UN has condemned countries that intentionally restrict citizens’ internet access by passing a non-binding resolution - reaffirming their stance that “the same rights people have offline must also be protected online.”

Russian Runaway Robot Captured After Attempted Mad Dash For Freedom
A robotic revolt has always been on the cards ever since we started playing around with VR. We may have just witnessed the first self-aware step towards this – a Russian robot escaping its lab and wandering onto the street causing a traffic jam.

Russia warns your next selfie could be your last in a new bizarre campaign
Russia's Ministry of Internal Affairs has launched a new public health program to reduce the amount of deaths and injuries caused by people taking selfies.

Jamaican Bobsled Team Crowdfunding To Reach Sochi Olympics
Jamaica's two-man bobsled team has successfully qualified for the Winter Olympics in Sochi, bringing back the glory days for Cool Runnings fans the world over. However, bringing the unfortunate side of the aforementioned film's plot into the 21st century, it's going to take a lot of money to get them there, which they do not have. That is where you come in.
Astronomers Trace Origin Of Russian Meteor
A team of astronomers have tracked down the origin of a meteor that hit Russia, injuring about 1,000 people earlier this month.
Using the thounsands of videos footage posted online, chronicling the strike, the team plotted the meteor's trajectory through the Earth's atmosphere, reconstructing it's orbit around the Sun and tracing it to a source of origin.

Meteor Explosion Hits Russia
A meteor exploded 10,000 metres above Russia this morning, breaking up and showering the Ural Mountains with fragments. Reports say around 400 people have been injured.
LiveJournal: Behind The Scenes Drama Isn't Restricted To Facebook
You may not have even heard of Livejournal: a blogging site that's been active and popular for over a decade now. But it ranks above The Daily Mail Online and even Reddit in the Alexa 500, and it's a social network that I've been a part of before Facebook was a twinkle in Mark Zuckerburg's eye.
Everyone knows the drama behind the creation of Facebook (or at least David Fincher's version); but the drama that surrounds the ownership of of LiveJournal is a bit more hidden. Like any company, LiveJournal was founded, bought and sold several times but in 2009 current owners, SUP Media moved the company from San Francisco all the way to Russia.
The DisplAir: That awesome computer from Minority report, only real
Ever since Tom Cruise fired up his elaborate computer set-up to target pre-emptive crimes, we've always been a little bit fascinated with the opportunity of the gesture based control. Removing the need for a display and allowing the user to manipulate 3D images in midair. Turns out Russia has a working prototype called the DisplAir.