Research Shows Many Brits Don’t Like The Idea Of Having A Robot Friend
Would you be comfortable with having a robot companion? Unsurprisingly, studies show over 72% of Britons would be uncomfortable with a cyborg chum.

Artificial Intelligence Deal Shows The UK Government And ‘I, Robot’ Have A Lot In Common
Our government just made a £1 billion deal to be at the forefront of artificial intelligence. But from the way they’re talking about it, I can’t help but draw comparisons to a particular Will Smith sci-fi…

Artificially Intelligent Robot Writes And Performs Its Own Music - Turns Out To Be Pretty Chill
Meet Shimon - a four-armed robot that composes and performs its own Marimba music using artificial intelligence.

We May Have A Robot Police Force By 2030... Not Sure Whether Amazing Or Terrifying
Are humans really the best cops? Dubai will find out by 2030, as they plan to install the first ever human-free police station.

This Lonely Engineer Built His Own Robot And Married It
Whoever said you can’t manufacture love clearly doesn’t have experience in robotics… Meet 31-year-old artificial intelligence expert Zheng Jiajia, who built and married his own female humanoid.
CES 2017 - Emotech’s Olly Is A Robot With Feelings
Meet Olly - a CES Innovation Award-Winning robot by Emotech which they claim has both “feelings,” and a “personality.” As someone who was equally amazed and terrified when watching Her, I’m going to give this device the benefit of the doubt.

Twitter Bot Tries To Empathise With Your Emotional Tweets
While a robot may never be capable of feeling emotion, artist Erica Scourti’s bot “Empathy Deck” has the potential to pretend well enough to offer comforting help.

Robots Can Now Feel Pain, Thanks to German Scientists
Have you ever looked at the electronics in your life and thought “I wish I could hurt you”? Well soon, you can! Researchers from the Leibniz University of Hannover are working on a way to get machines to feel pain. Granted, their goal isn’t sadism, but rather preservation. They hope that by responding to the stimuli of pain, machines will get themselves out of harm’s way before they are damaged or broken.

Kickstarter Needs Your Help Rebuilding The First British Robot
Robots walked among us in 1928. Well, one of them, anyway. Eric, created by British roboticists almost 90 years ago, wowed audiences the world over before his mysterious disappearance some time later. Now, curator Ben Russell is on a mission to rebuild Eric and restore a fascinating piece of cultural history. But he needs your help on Kickstarter to do it.

This Robot Can Solve A Rubik's Cube In Under 1.2 Seconds
The fastest human to solve a Rubik's Cube can do so in just under five seconds. Robots are continually beating this record, as the most recent invention managed to solve in less than 1.2 seconds. Skynet is almost here!

Japanese Scientists Create Rock-Paper-Scissors Robot That Wins Every Time
Japanese scientists have developed a robot that is so fast it can beat any human at rock-paper-scissors every single time.