How to solve the ‘Politics Problem’ on social media?
Here’s my pitch to resolve the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad problem of politicians lying on social media.

Facebook Admits The Obvious - Social Media Can Be Bad For Democracy
In a complete flip-flop from saying they had “no impact” on the 2016 election, Facebook has finally admitted that social media is bad for democracy - surprising absolutely nobody.

Net Neutrality: Should The UK Be Worried About The US Scrapping It?
America has been up in arms about a vote to repeal Net Neutrality - coming up on December 14th. But should the UK be worried about it? Should we care?

Politics Are Already A Shit Show - Social Media Makes It Worse
The representation of politicians has always been a tricky issue, but recently we’ve seen social media become more and more important as an influence on public opinion, especially relating to the US presidential campaign and the Labour leadership row here in the UK.

Fear and Excitement for this year’s Political Biopic 'The Butler'
Lee Daniels, the man who brought us the Oscar nominated Precious in 2009, and 2004’s The Woodsman, released the theatrical trailer for political biopic The Butler earlier this month. Due to hit UK cinemas in August, this epic excavation into recent US political history reportedly cost a 25-million-dollar budget. Was this great financial effort to produce a damning and revelatory revision of history, or just ‘business as usual’, politically and industrially speaking?
White House Declines Petition To Build A Death Star
The White House has formally responded to a petition for the construction of a Death Star, politely declining on the grounds of construction of such a space station costing $850 quadrillion.
New Mobile Device Privacy Act To Expose And Regulate Tracking Software
In light of all the Carrier IQ controversies that have accrued since the software capabilities were exposed to the world, Congress has introduced a draft bill titled "The Mobile Device Privacy Act," which looks to disclose all details about tracking software like the aformentioned, and what information it will be taking.
Obama gets a Tumblr
Caving into the temptation of Nigel Thornberry Gifs and 4Chan jokes that are a year too late, Barack Obama now has a Tumblr page for his 2012 campaign.
"We’d like this Tumblr to be a huge collaborative storytelling effort—a place for people across the country to share what’s going on in our respective corners of it and how we’re getting involved in this campaign to keep making it better." Proclaims the first Tumblr post that (yes) directly addresses the blogging service brand as if it were a real person (a rather annoying trait if I do say so myself).
#Politics. UK Government turns to Social media to cut costs
David Cameron may well be joining in on the big discussion (hope he doesn't slip up and tweet #itsokaytocheatif), with a new government strategy for jumping into social media "to facilitate a two-way dialogue with citizens."
The plans come as part of yet another huge cost cutting proposal, to skim a cool £1bn off the budget as the Government implements a their new IT strategy.