Fear and Excitement for this year’s Political Biopic 'The Butler'
Lee Daniels, the man who brought us the Oscar nominated Precious in 2009, and 2004’s The Woodsman, released the theatrical trailer for political biopic The Butler earlier this month. Due to hit UK cinemas in August, this epic excavation into recent US political history reportedly cost a 25-million-dollar budget. Was this great financial effort to produce a damning and revelatory revision of history, or just ‘business as usual’, politically and industrially speaking?
White House denies sending Obama to Mars
Self-proclaimed time-traveling, universe-exploring government agents Andrew D. Basiago and William Stillings claim they served for DARPA in the 1980s, and witnessed a young Barack Obama sent to explore Mars as a top secret CIA project.
I would love to say we're making this up; but this fantastical story, which we're not surprised doesn't come complete with it's own Tinfoil hats, is one of such absurdity it's actually a pretty fascinating story to read. Reported by Wired's Danger Room, Basiago and Stillings told of how Obama has been lying about his identity and military service, revealing the shocking truth to be the president participating in a CIA intergalactic program, which was hosted at a California community college in 1980.
Obama gets a Tumblr
Caving into the temptation of Nigel Thornberry Gifs and 4Chan jokes that are a year too late, Barack Obama now has a Tumblr page for his 2012 campaign.
"We’d like this Tumblr to be a huge collaborative storytelling effort—a place for people across the country to share what’s going on in our respective corners of it and how we’re getting involved in this campaign to keep making it better." Proclaims the first Tumblr post that (yes) directly addresses the blogging service brand as if it were a real person (a rather annoying trait if I do say so myself).