You need to watch Joker - my spoiler-free review
Joker is not an entertaining film - it is an impactful one, making for the best movie of the decade.
Why Unfriended Is The Best Horror Movie Of The Decade
Unfriended came out of nowhere in the middle of 2015 and was critically panned. But screw the critics, I think it’s one of the best horror films of the decade.

Ready Player One Review
Ready Player One is an incredible novel by Ernest Cline, but does it safely make the transition onto the big screen? With Steven Spielberg at the helm, I was nervous…

Porgs Exist In The Last Jedi Because Of The Real Puffins On Location
Think that Porgs exist in Star Wars: The Last Jedi purely to fuel the Disney merchandise machine? You couldn’t be more wrong…

Will Wonder Woman 2 Get The Green Light It Deserves?
With the release of Wonder Woman in cinemas has surely come a renaissance for female leads in superhero films.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Review
Another year, another Star Wars movie. Does this spin-off capture the essence of the universe, while making for a compelling story?

Disgruntled Scottish Suicide Squad Fan Suing Warner And DC For False Advertising
Chances are you’ve seen Suicide Squad reviews, and they’ve not been positive, to say the least. Well, one viewer from Scotland is taking Warner Bros. and DC to court for false advertising.

Sonic The Hedgehog Is Getting A Live-Action Movie
Sonic The Hedgehog, the gaming legend of 90s attitude, is making his live-action and animation hybrid movie debut in 2018. God help us.

Short Film 'Borders of the Imagination' Brings Imaginary Friends To Life In Oppressive America
What if your imaginary friends (and nightmares) became a reality? This is an interesting question that short film Borders of the Imagination plans to answer with backing on Kickstarter.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review (Spoiler-free)
It’s rare a film comes along that fans are so excited to see, they take pictures of a blank screen to document the time they sat in a cinema. That’s the power of Star Wars and with The Force Awakens, is this the film we’re looking for?

Liam Neeson Returns In 'Tak3n'
Liam Neeson is back with his particular set of skills, which now includes l33t speak as Taken 3 (known as 'Tak3n') has been announced. Way to take the h1gh-ground of integrity there, Qui-Gon Jinn.

'The Last Of Us' Is Being Made Into A Live-Action Movie
Naughty Dog's The Last of Us is being turned into a live-action movie by Sony subsidiary Screen Gems. It's easy to get excited about this classic being put to film, but many reservations are held based upon the quality of previous video game adaptations.