Wearables Of The Future Could Be Powered By Your Own Body Heat
Researchers believe they’ve developed a new way to power wearable technology - harvesting body heat for electricity.

Scientists Just Built A Laser Using Human Blood
Researchers at the University of Michigan have successfully developed a medical observation laser that uses human blood.
Researchers Build Robots Capable Of Evolution
A team of researchers have designed a program that allows robots to actually evolve, building themselves out of cubes of virtual muscles and bones. This simulated chain of evolution makes for a remarkable discovery in robotics that, much like Skynet, has very well doomed us all.
Researchers Create The First Wireless Brain-Computer Interface. Move Things With Your Mind On The Go
Researchers at Brown University have created the first wireless, implantable, rechargeable brain-computer interface. This presents a medical breakthrough for the disabled, which will be tested on humans soon after 13 months of successful trials with monkeys and pigs.
Scientists Create Real-Life 'Tractor Beam.' Star Trek Becomes Reality
A team of scientists from Scotland and the Czech Republic has created a real-life “tractor” beam, as featured in the Star Trek movies, which for the first time allows a beam of light to attract objects.
DARPA's Expandable Foam Fights Against Internal Bleeding
A new foam developed by Arsenal Medical in conjunction with DARPA could prove to be a critical lifeline for wounded soldiers on the battlefield.
Jellyfish-Inspired Microchip Captures Cancer Out Of The Bloodstream
A team of researchers have drawn inspiration from the Jellyfish to design a microchip coated with DNA tentacles, which can capture cancerous cells in the bloodstream and provide a new way of combatting this disease in patients.
Newly-Developed 'Synthetic Pores' Could Purify Water, Kill Tumours
Said to be 'inspired by nature' (calm down Galaxy S3 fans), a team of international researchers have created synthetic pores that accurately re-produce the function of cellular ion channels – proteins that allows our cells to absorb essential nutrients but keep the more harmful substances out, a vital role in human health.
Scientists Develop Glucose Fuel Cell Which Could Power Medical Implants
Scientists from MIT have developed a fuel cell capable of running on the same sugar that powers the human bodies’ own cells. So far, the fuel cell is capable of generating hundreds of megawatts in power and has the capacity to be able to power highly-efficient medical implants which could be used to allow paralysed patients to move their arms and legs again.
Human Heart Replaced By Pump. The Medical Miracle With No Pulse
On the exterior, he is living a normal healthy life; but patient Craig Lewis doesn't have a heart beat. To all intents and purposes he is, by all medical standards, dead. The 10,000rpm artificial turbine in his chest contradicts this though.