Scientists Invented A Camera That Can Read Closed Books
MIT researchers have developed a camera that has the ability to read the text on pages of a book, without it having to be open.

This ‘Smart’ Tattoo Remotely Controls Your Phone And Stores Data
Students at MIT Media Lab have paired up with the team from Microsoft Research to develop a temporary ‘smart’ tattoo - which can be used as a touchpad to control your smartphone, or even share data using NFC.

Pinch, bend and tie cables to control your electronics with 'Cord UI'
The cables in your life may just be for transferring power and data right now. But The Tangible Media Group at MIT's Media Lab are looking to change that with 'Cord UI,' allowing you to control all of your devices by tangling, twisting, pinching and pulling their attached wires.
'Obake' Elastic Touchscreen Prototype Allows Literal Pinch To Zoom
We've seen touchscreen technology evolve over the years; but it has never really developed further than pressing against a flat display. However, a new prototype called 'Obake,' designed by Dhairya Dand and Rob Hemsley of MIT's Media Lab, hopes to change this with an elastic screen - bringing a literal meaning to gestures such as pinch-to-zoom.