Scientists Build A Robot That Changes Colour Like A Chameleon
Invisible robots are no longer just science fiction. Researchers from the Guoping Wang of Wuhan University in China have created a robot with the Chameleon-like ability to change colour with its surroundings.
HyperStealth Introduces New Technology To Make You Invisible
‘The Invisible Military Becomes Reality’ is the boast coming from Canadian camouflage design company HyperStealth Biotechnology Company, introducing a new material named ‘Quantum Stealth’ that can render a target completely invisible by bending light waves around the wearer.
'See-Through' Cars Might One Day Change The Way We Drive Forever
Being human, we find it difficult to accept defeat. We all like to think we're good drivers, a Lewis Hamilton incarnate of the school run if you will. But even so, admitting reversing is often times painfully difficult is easy, where you can never be entirely 100% sure that something or someone isn't just inches away from your rear bumper. Which is why researchers at Keio University in Tokyo are hard at work in developing a technology that could turn the rear of your car transparent for such occasions.