NASA Proposes Sending Humans To The Skies Of Venus
NASA scientists have created a study proposing humans go colonise Venus. However, since the surface of the planet has 92 times more pressure than Earth's atmosphere and a temperature of 500 degrees C, we will explore from the safe distance of the clouds using Airships and Cloud Cities.

Researchers Create 'Galaxy Zoo 2' - An Online Archive of 300,000 Nearby Galaxies
Up until the late 2000's, pretty much all information on neighbouring galaxies was compiled by a handful of experts using the Hubble telescope and millions of dollars worth of equipment. While their input was frankly monumental, this was a largely impractical way of gathering information. It just seems like a waste for such a small number of people to have the power to provide such information.
NASA Finds A Space Invader In The Deep Cosmos
NASA's Hubble Telescope found a Space Invader in this massive cluster of galaxies, known as Abell 68. The gravitational field surrounding it acts as a naturally distorting lens. This produces a fun house mirror effect, and created this shape similar to that of a simulated alien from the classic 1970s game.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus UK pricing
So you've held off on the iPhone 4S to look for the Galaxy Nexus which was announced today? Great! Now see what UK pricing is available for when November 10th rolls around
Samsung Galaxy Nexus revealed
It was leaked by the Hong Kong press and the Samsung website; but Google took to the stage to officially reveal the Samsung Galaxy Nexus: the planet's first smartphone carrying Android 4.0 'Ice Cream Sandwich.'
Galaxy Nexus specs, benchmarks and images leaked
Ahead of the Google and Samsung keynote presentation in Hong Kong (starts at 3AM for we nocturnal creatures in UK), two images have leaked.