Google Patents Device That Would Be Injected Into Your Eyeball
Science fiction and reality are basically the same thing these days. Space travel? Decades ago. Holograms? Coming on nicely. Electronic implants injected directly into your eyeballs? Google’s just filed a patent for it.

Eye-Tracking App Lets Paralysed People Make Music
Plenty of work has already been done in creating eye- and face-tracking technology, which helps the paralysed to communicate. But what if you want to have some fun? What if you want to create music? That's where Andreas Refsgaard and his new app, Eye Conductor, come in.
New Eye Test Can Detect Schizophrenia With "Exceptional Accuracy"
In Macbeth, King Duncan once famously said "There is no art to find the minds construction in the face" researchers from Aberdeen University would have to respectfully disagree, as they have developed a method of determining mental illness, specifically schizophrenia, from a person's eyes.
Are you watching closely as the image disappears?
All we ask you do is take a look at this image, and we mean really look. In fact, stare right into the centre of it. No games, just look and relax. See the image that you know is there disappear.
Done? Here's how it happened.