The Boston Boys - Keep You Satisfied EP Review
The Boston Boys are an up and coming mix of classic folk rock with an electric feel, shown in their recent release Keep You Satisfied. Forming as a quartet while attending Berklee in Boston, Massachusetts in 2009, the electric bluegrass style of music is a great fit for any fans of Mumford & Sons.
Jellyfish-Inspired Microchip Captures Cancer Out Of The Bloodstream
A team of researchers have drawn inspiration from the Jellyfish to design a microchip coated with DNA tentacles, which can capture cancerous cells in the bloodstream and provide a new way of combatting this disease in patients.
The Infinite Jukebox: Your Favourite Song Mixed To Last Forever
Let's be honest, we call our music tastes "diverse;" but there is always that one favourite song that deserves multiple uses of that Repeat button. The Infinite Jukebox takes this concept in a new, algorythmic direction, remixing said song to continue playing forever.
The Pursuit To Make The Body A Power Source Moves To The Ear
While medical implants have been getting smaller and more efficient over the year, the batteries used to power them have not. Making them too small, however, severely reduces the expectant battery life and thus ups the likelihood of surgery to replace them. We can’t just cut out and eject power packs Terminator-style, so researchers have been looking at ways the human body could power the devices, and one such way is with our ears.