2015 May Not Be What 'Back To The Future' Predicted, But I'm Excited
If we were to judge what to expect from 2015 by 'Back To The Future,' it would be fair for anyone to say it's going to be a bit naff.
Lego Back To The Future Coming Soon
Prepare to witness perfection in blocked form, as the official Lego Back To The Future set has now been accepted to the evaluation stage, in preparation to start a limited edition run of these rather glorious models.
A 'Back To The Future' Hoverboard That Actually Hovers
So not too long ago, Mattel officially announced the release of their hoverboard which featured in Back to the Future II, giving many-a-nerd such as myself a profound sense of pride. Not so impressed that it doesn't actually hover though; but that's where one genius has brought us closer to the realisation of our dream.
Mattel To Officially Release The ‘Back To The Future’ Hoverboard
We might still be some time off street-engulfing holographic 3D advertisements, flux capacitors, flying cars and self-drying clothing, but there’s more to Back To The Future’s imagining of 2015 that caught the eye. How about the self-lacing Nike MAG sneakers, the DeLorean’s home energy reactor Mr. Fusion, and the then-and-now-iconic Mattel hoverboard featured throughout the BTTF sequels?
DeLorean DMC-12 EV announced for production in 2013.
An electric powered DeLorean production model? Damn straight.
Thanks to the anagramatical homage that is the DeLorean Motor Company of Texas (not to be confused with long defunct DMC), which is known for bringing restored versions of these beautiful machines into the modern age with modified original parts, you can expect to see an DMC-12 EV for a production release of 2013.