Students Create Sense-Enhancing Headsets. See The Invisible, Hear The Inaudible
"Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask..."
Ever wanted to see the invisible, and hear the silent? So has Tim Bouckley and a team of students at the Royal College of Arts in London, who have created two pieces of experimental equipment to vastly improve your senses of sight and sound. These two devices combine Project Eidos, in no way related to this Eidos.
"This device was reverse-engineered from Kanye West's wardrobe."
One of their devices, a hilariously huge visor, improves your vision - in particular allowing you to see every subtle facet of movement. Another device, a sinister-looking mask, improves your hearing - allowing your ears to tune in on specific sounds with more focus than they can on their own, cutting it background noise and hearing all desired sounds with great clarity.
Unfortunately the devices' unweildy size, as well as their need to be hooked up to a computer to function, means we're not likely to be able to use them to their fullest potential, such as walking down a busy street and tripping balls, but it's an interesting concept nonetheless. Concept being the keyword however - it is unlikely that these devices will ever be released for public consumption.
Source:Tim Bouckley