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'Live-Action Toy Story Project' Recreates Full-Length Pixar Film With Real Live Toys

Jonason Paule and Jesse Perrotta have been working for the past three years on the 'Live-Action Toy Story Project.' A recreation of the entire film in real life, which after receiving confirmation that Pixar would not sue them for everything they had for releasing it is now live on YouTube. 

These Pixar megafans walked into their HQ last week, and were given the OK directly from the company to go ahead with the project.  And after a wait of around 3390 minutes for it to upload, it's fair to say I'm stunned with just what these two young people have managed to pull off.  The near-perfect sync with the moving audio, the Team America-esque wire work, and the rather hilarious reimagination of the final lorry chase scene (hint: sped up footage) all makes for something you have to see.

Reliving my childhood, only this time its not animated.


Found this outtake footage. This would've been quite the dark twist ending to the animated original.

Jason England