New Rising Media

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Welcome to New Rising Media Version 7.0

If you’ve read my blog before, you’ve probably realised that New Rising Media looks very different… Welcome to version 7.0 - there’s a lot to catch you up on.

Over the years, I’ve changed things a lot around here, but while some versions introduced new writing styles and content types, this one is a design update to achieve one goal - show the world everything I do that surrounds New Rising Media. 

Beforehand, you’d be fair to assume that all I did was post text blogs/geeky rants. However, I also have a Twitch stream and weekly podcast, which now have pride of place on the homepage. Not only that but after much feedback about the clinical professionalism of the site’s previous designs leading to a lack of visual personality, I’ve tried to better introduce myself through an integrated Instagram feed and a clearer about section.

Oh, and let’s not forget a hero section for the big stories, Editor's Picks, and the (much requested) Most Popular tab - broadening your horizons on what to read/watch/listen to on my blog.

All small tweaks, alongside the new fonts and more diverse homepage, but they add more depth to your experience with the site. Have a look around, let me know your thoughts!

When looking forward, it’s always fun to look back - see where you came from.

Version 1.0 - University

The humble beginnings of this blog, hidden away amongst Nottingham Trent University’s network of students (along with some help from a couple of my friends in Lincoln). Started on Tumblr, all stories were limited to just 100 words and I had an ego as big as my hairstyle at the time.

Luckily, I was humbled in rapid fashion and after graduating, I got to work.

Version 2.0 - Over to Squarespace

I was suckered in by the repeated Squarespace podcast break adverts (you probably heard these ads too). The site made the big move over from Tumblr to an actual website hosting system - allowing me access to a more substantial site platform and build from there.

Version 3.0 - Expansion

A move to make things look a little more professional, and add more context as to what New Rising Media actually is. Not only that, but I lifted the silly 100-word rule - enabling far better editorial to be posted!

Version 4.0 - Responsive site for an unresponsive user

With a new version of Squarespace came the opportunity to transition into responsive website design. It made for a great site but overwhelmed by anxiety caused by an awful day job and living circumstances, this blog wasn’t updated for a long time…

Version 5.0 - The Neo-Entity crossover

I created a blog called Neo-Entity, which revived my inspiration for a few months. But I had an NRM-shaped itch that I couldn’t scratch. So this was a simple update - move everything over from Neo-Entity, including design and stories.

Version 6.0 - The Lifestyle Blog of the Future Human

This was a move for simplicity. Up until this point, I’d tried to do too much with the website - multiple elements making for a busy website layout. With version 6.0, I stripped everything back to just an infinite scroll of stories.

Here's to many more versions ahead!